Physical Education » Physical Education

Physical Education

Dear Parent and Guardians,


     We wish to welcome your child to one of the finest physical education and health programs in South Carolina.


     As you know, state law requires that students earn one unit of physical education and

health to receive a high school diploma.  You may access your student’s grades at any time by using PowerSchool.  If you did not get your PowerSchool login at registration, the DFC guidance office will provide the login to the parent with a valid ID.


     Grades in our class are determined by dressing out, participation, written tests, skills tests, and classroom assignments.  Because a student must dress out before he or she participates, it is imperative that your child have appropriate gym clothes (see rule 4 under PE policies) in which to dress out.  Students are required to dress out and participate in physical activities daily.  Students are required to provide a three-ringed folder with pockets and a pen or pencil.  Students will receive classroom instruction one day a week. 


     A PE lock and PE locker will be issued to each student.  Please encourage your child to keep valuables locked before, during, and after PE class.  Students should not share lockers or give anyone their combination.  Students are responsible for keeping their valuables secure.


     During the semester, your child will be administered the Fitnessgram fitness test.  The Fitnessgram results will be mailed in May.  He/She will also be taught a variety of individual and team sports, physical conditioning which includes a cardio- vascular program, and the comprehensive health unit which parents can preview if you want.


     We appreciate your support in making this course a rewarding and educational one for your child.  We welcome any comments concerning your child which you feel will be beneficial to us in working with him or her.  Please be specific about any health problems that your child may have. 






    1. Be in the gym by the time the tardy bell rings. Refer to DFC tardy policy in the student handbook.


  1. Drinks, food, and gum are not allowed in the gym, weight room or locker rooms.


  1. Daily dress out and participation is required. A doctor’s note is required to excuse

dress out and participation.  Student will complete a written assignment    A written

      parents note may excuse level of participation, student is required to dress out.


  1. Dress code:      -T shirt (shirt with sleeves and it covers mid-drift)

                                -Shorts that are mid thigh length or longer

                                -Athletic shoes (no street shoes, boots, hiking shoes or sandals)

                                -A warm-up or sweat suit is appropriate for cooler weather

  1. Dress out policy:

                               -Students earn 20 points a day on their weekly dress out grade

                               -First failure to dress appropriately-warning and 20 points off weekly

                                 dress out grade

                               -Second failure to dress appropriately-points of dress out grade &

                                 parent contact

                               -Third failure to dress appropriately the student is in danger of

                                 failing  points off dress out grade and contact with a principal.


  1. Use the restroom during dress out time at the beginning or end of class. The locker

       Room will be locked during class. 


  1. Sit in assigned area after dressing out.


  1. Do not handle any equipment until you are told to do so.


  1. Be quiet and attentive during dress check, instructions, exercises and agilities.


  1. Students are assigned a PE lock and a PE locker. Students are required to use them.

      Do not share lockers.  Lock all valuables in the tall locker provided.  Replacement

      cost for a lost lock is $5.                       


  1. Students are responsible for requesting assignments for missed work due to absences.

      Failure to successfully complete makeup work within one week will affect student’s



  1. Students are required to have a 3-ring folder with pockets and a pen or pencil.


   13. Respect fellow students, teachers, equipment and facilities.



   14. Cell phones, I Pods and any other electronic device are not allowed to be used in the locker rooms or during class. Keep devices locked in PE locker.