Student Enrollment Process
Dorman Freshman Campus
1225 Cavalier Way, Roebuck, SC 29376
Phone: 864-582-3479 Fax: 864-342-8998
Enrolling at (or transferring to) DFC is a three-step process:
1) Present for Enrollment In-Person
- Current Proof of Residence (Ex: Lease/Rental Agreement, Property Tax Receipt, Closing Statement, Deed to Residential Property, or Realtor Contract.) All residency paperwork must have the parent/guardian’s name on it.
- Parent/guardian’s identification.
- Student’s birth certificate.
- Student’s immunization records.
- Custody documents, if applicable.
**Online pre-registration for the upcoming school year opens in June**
- Go to
- Click on “Parents and Students” and select “Student Enrollment Dashboard” from the list
- Click on “2024-2025" Student Enrollment Portals”
- Scroll down and Click on “New Student Portal”
- Click on “Click Here to Start Enrolling a NEW Student for 2024-2025”
- Click “Create Account” and enter student’s information on each screen.
- Be sure to “Submit” the information and “Save and Log Out” when complete.
3) Course Selection:
- Complete and return the DFC Course Selection card with 8 credits and 4 alternates chosen.
- Refer to the DFC/DHS Course Guide for specific information about courses. Your student’s counselor will help recommend appropriate levels for academic courses after reviewing records from previous schools.
To access the DFC/DHS Course Guide online:
- Go to Dorman Freshman Campus’s webpage at
- Click on “Academics”
- Click on “DFC/DHS Curriculum Guide”
- Click on “Dorman Course Guide”
Once all records have been received and approved, a member of DFC Guidance staff will contact you to let you know when your student will be ready to start.
DFC Guidance Email Addresses
Student last names A-G – Mrs. Paula Arnold– [email protected]
Student last names H-Pi – Mr. Patrick West – [email protected]
Student last names Pl-Z – Mrs. Erin Crum – [email protected]
Guidance Secretary – Ms. Amanda Byars – [email protected]