Kimberly Ramos » Ms. Ramos

Ms. Ramos

I teach Civics and World History Advanced at Dorman Freshman Campus. In Civics, we study the rights and duties of citizens. While in World History Advanced, we explore the contributions of ancient civilizations to the modern world. I love being able to connect with my students and help them form a new respect and understanding for history. I can be reached at [email protected] and will typically respond within 24 hrs. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions. I am excited about the coming school year and the chance to connect with my students.
Class Schedule:
1st Block: World History Advanced 8:10-9:40
2nd Block: Planning 9:48-11:18
3rd Block: Civics 11:26-1:20
  • 2nd Lunch: 11:50-12:15 
CAVS: 1:28-1:47
4th Block: Civics 1:55-3:25